If Jesus Had Not Been Born

If Jesus Christ had not been born I'd have no Christmas tree
Decorated for a king for everyone to see,
And all my windows would be dark, no candles glowing there
With soft inviting light each night - they'd all be cold and bare.
If Jesus Christ had not been born no Christmas songs I'd sing
For surely no one ever would have thought of such a thing.
Having all the family together for a day
Of sharing happy memories the Christmas sort of way
Would seldom ever happen, if in fact it ever did,
And all the extra special joys at Christmastime a kid
Experiences every year (as grown-ups do as well)
Would not occur, quite simply put, as far as I can tell.
No Christmas cards would I receive, and none would I be sending.
December would be darker still as each old year was ending.
No special foods to make and share with friends and family,
No decorations everywhere, delightful sights to see,
No sound of "Merry Christmas" from most anyone you meet,
No jingle bells, no festive lights on every city street,
No "Little Town of Bethlehem" except on ancient maps
That few would ever note was there, in history, perhaps.
Saint Nicholas himself, I guess, would simply not exist,
And mistletoe, well I don't know, whoever would be kissed
Beneath a hanging twig or two because of some tradition?
And think of all the good that would not be without the mission
Of untold thousands everywhere who've told the old, old story
Of Jesus' birth and life on earth and of angelic glory
That shone one solitary night before the break of morn
With great good news for all mankind when Jesus Christ was born.
"O Holy Night", well what is that? We never would have guessed
"The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", in fact, would never be the best.
"Love your neighbor as yourself", a major teaching of
The Jesus born in Bethlehem whose kingdom's based on love,
Has changed the world far more than most now living comprehend -
I take for granted most of it, and you may, too, my friend.
Wherever Christendom has had its purest infiltration
In every corner of our world, in every land and nation,
Wherever Jesus' birth and life and teachings all have been
Accepted in this world of ours much good may now be seen.
At Christmastime we celebrate the way it all began,
When God's own son, the good book says, became the Son of Man.
So celebrate along with me that birth that special night.
May Christmastime be merry as we see the star's great light!

by Gary Fellows

Photo Credit goes to NastyaSensei Sens at pexels.com

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