We Need Never Feel the Same
If Jesus Christ had not been born,
That far away first Christmas morn
The rose, of course, would still adorn
The briar and the branch of thorn.
But surely no one would have worn
A thorny crown and felt the scorn
Of passers by, nor would have borne
The burden of our sins, forlorn.
Yet thus it was His fate to be,
This Child of greatest destiny,
Born in veils of mystery,
Unique through all of history,
Worshipped by the magi three
And shepherds who had come to see
That night of His nativity,
But destined, too, upon a tree
To end His life, too short, too brief
Betwixt a brigand and a thief -
A scene almost beyond belief,
So weighted down with untold grief.
And yet it was for this He came
To take upon Himself the blame,
To suffer all the awful shame
As though He felt the fiery flame
Of hell upon His holy name
That we need never feel the same.
Because of selfishness and greed,
By hurtful word and sinful deed,
We caused the Innocent to bleed.
Yet now if we should feel our need,
Yes any person, big or small
Who hears His patient loving call
Of pardon offered now to all
Each time by choice we fail and fall,
When we by faith reach up to grasp
His hand of mercy in its clasp,
We all may find a hope anew,
And inner strength to thus renew,
And courage for the future, too...
For all of us, not just a few.
Yes, all because one starry night
When angels on their wing-ed flight
Came near to earth with Heaven's light
In such a grand and glorious sight
Announcing news of greatest joy
Which would begin when one small Boy
Born that night when some would find
The promised Savior of mankind.
If you've not found Him, go and seek,
And in that manger take a peek.
That little boy-child, small and weak
In such surroundings, humble, meek,
Became the One to offer you
A way of life, abundant, new
A life of peace and love and giving -
A far, far better way of living
Than how we live before we meet Him.
So to that stable go and greet Him
That Christmas morning He may be
Not just a man from history,
But may we rather each one feel
Him very near and very real.