'Tis the Season

So, how are you feeling about December? Are you the type (like me) that enjoys the plunge into darkness and frost that happens on our trip around the sun? Are you watching the skies for that first flake? Are you already humming Christmas tunes and thinking about what you are getting that special person that you know they are just going to love?

Or maybe… not so much?

It is no secret that this time of year is a notorious bummer for lots of folks. As the days grow shorter, energy wanes. And just when you need a long winter’s nap here come all the “extras”. Extra activities, extra commitments, extra expenses, and definitely extra commercials all pointing out how you can’t even live up to your own expectations much less anyone else’s for this holiday season. And of course, many people have lost loved ones that are missed even more somehow in those special family moments when we are “supposed” to be happy.

Wherever you find yourself on the continuum this December, we hope to see you at Freeport Church!

Truth be told, most of us are somewhere right in the middle. Our busy lives are probably about to get busier, and there are bound to be some awkward social moments. But all of the joys and beauty of early winter are upon us and as the darkness grows, the lights will shine brighter.

Wherever you find yourself on the continuum this December, we hope to see you at Freeport Church! Whether you are looking for fun and fellowship and a place to celebrate or some peace and quiet and someone to listen to what is really going on for you. We are here for you. So let’s do November together; after all, we were created for community!

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