Beyond Today

I have a lot to look forward to in life. Education, relationships, family building. The adventure is coming. There's always a new horizon. I'm excited, because I know that tomorrow won't look like today. There are new challenges and new people and new opportunities. I'm thankful for the platform that I can launch off of. Thankful for the foundation I can build on. 

There's a certain optimism that comes with each new life. We look forward, we look ahead. The young boy is always pioneering off into the woods. The girl imagines a beautiful existence as she plays with her dolls. We have a tendency towards imagination, towards discovery. We want to build on the foundations of our youth. 

I know quite a few women who utilize skin creams to feel more youthful. Or how about guy's night out? There's the one reminiscing the time he was the star athlete. He brags on and on about how he used to dominate the field. Or, the mother and father experiencing their empty nest. Do we sometimes feel like our best years are behind us? We're striving to get back to a time when we felt like we were going somewhere. The guy's drink their beers, the women sip their tea wishing they were going somewhere, wishing they were on to something. 

What if we didn't have to go back in time to feel movement? What if we didn't need skin cream to feel the excitement? What if we went somewhere today? 

We have foundations. They've been given to us. We each have the opportunity to build a little more today. There's an old hymn that says "on Christ the solid rock I stand". We talk a lot about Jesus being our foundation. What if we grounded ourselves in the way he lived? What if we broke down the social walls around us? We built character in the way of Jesus?

God is primarily in the character-forming business, not the circumstance-shaping business. And God is in the open-door business. This means a new way of looking at God. He prefers yes to no. He loves adventure and opportunity.
— John Ortberg

It's part of our human desire to align ourselves with something bigger. Each one of us wants to be a part of adventure and oppurtunity. It's why the boy goes exploring and the girl imagines. What if we aligned ourselves with a way of living that was going somewhere? What if we said yes to Open Doors? We're excited here at Freeport 7 because we believe that we're a part of something bigger. We are followers in the way of Jesus. We're building off a great foundation. Come Grow With Us.

May you be a follower of Jesus. May you be open to building and growing. May you make something of today. May you walk through an open door.